B.U. Bridge
COM's Great Debate: Should Race Be a Plus Factor in University Admissions? Wednesday, April 4, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Tsai Performance Center

Vol. IV No. 28   ·   30 March 2001 

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SPH prof's research helps boosts buckle-up bill

It happens all too often: a car crashes, a driver or passenger is killed on impact, and police say the victim had not been wearing a seat belt. It happens, even though well-publicized studies show that buckling up can reduce the risk of serious injuries in a motor vehicle accident by up to 50 percent.

High-tech war not an American tradition

MADD report
Students overestimate peers' alcohol consumption

Excessive drinking has long been considered a rite of passage among college students, but new research suggests that students drink far less alcohol than their peers believe.

GEAR UP jump-starts college planning for inner-city kids

Murphy's law is the order that sparks women's lacrosse

When Sue Murphy first arrived at Boston University in July 1995 to head the women's lacrosse club program, she was stunned by the size and layout of the city campus. Her previous stint as field hockey and lacrosse coach was at tiny Oberlin College in Ohio.

Life without father
Patricia Bosworth's biographical journey offers insight into the famous - and the familial

Why I'm running
Countdown to the 105th Boston Marathon

Health Matters

Ask the Bridge

Three-day festival explores intricacies of Brahms

Where's the cheese?

It's all Greek to them

To protect, not serve

Not a scene from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Branching out





30 March 2001
Boston University
Office of University Relations