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These talks give students a more detailed introduction to research and careers in two specific scientific or technical fields. One talk is held at the start of the day; the other is before lunchtime.

Each talk begins with a brief introduction to the speaker's field: the range of topics studied and the kinds of methods used. This affords the students a firmer grasp of what it means to be an `industrial chemist' or 'mathematician' or `aeronautical engineer'. The rest of the talk describes the speaker's area of expertise and one of her recent projects.


Please submit a brief vita to Cynthia Brossman early on. This will enable the M.C. to introduce you before you speak.

Schedule a trial run of the talk with Cynthia Brossman in March. Several Pathways veterans will be on hand to offer specific suggestions.

In planning the talk, please:

  • describe just one of your projects to the students; this will allow you
    to go into more depth (something they request in their written comments).
  • tailor your explanations to high-school students
  • define each technical term in simple language the first time you need to
    use it;
  • take them through your story step by step; they have had fewer science classes than undergraduates and need to be led more carefully ;
  • say explicitly what's new and exciting about the project;
  • relate the subject to the everyday world where possible.
  • use visual aids or demonstrations
  • emphasize pictures, minimize equations,
  • keep writing 18pt or larger so it will be visible,
  • bring recordings, table-top experiments, or materials to pass around the audience.

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